Frequently Asked Questions
What are the advantages of the property search service?
If you have been looking for your dream home for a long time but haven’t found it yet, and wish to save a lot of time, you can make use of the property search service.
A form to enter the search criteria must be filled out so that we can find the ideal accommodation, flat, garage or privately owned home.
The more information you provide and the more the criteria are filtered according to their relevance, the quicker this service will produce a result.
The desires and visions of the customers are at the forefront of the search service, and are taken as a basis for the experienced real estate agents to look out for a suitable offer.
As soon as the desired property is found, the customer will obtain the relevant information and can schedule an appointment with the agent for inspecting it.
The search service does not obligate the customer to purchase or rent the property, and he can therefore make his decision freely. Should he not be satisfied with the offers, he can choose to make further use of the service.
Placing the search for a single-family home in professional hands, finding student accommodation in the part of town desired or specifying the general search for property and spending as little time as possible on this are advantages and services that can win customers over and fulfil the individual demands of potential customers.
If the search service is to be used, the form provided must be filled out and contain the customer’s details regarding the type of accommodation or house desired.
The real estate agent will begin the search with the help of these criteria and information, and recommend suitable offers from the portfolio.
Active cooperation with other real estate providers and portals renders it possible to aim at a large-scale search and thus guarantees that all customers will find the suitable property quickly and within their budget.
Save your valuable time and contact us.